The classification (BC2):
History and description | Using the scheme | Schedules | Member
libraries | Bibliography
The association (BCA):
AGMs: 2010 | 2009 | BC
Bulletin | BCA Committee |
Join the BCA | Contacts
The Bliss Classification Association was founded in 1967. It is a non-profit making organisation of users and supporters of the Bliss Bibliographic Classification. It promotes the development and use of the classification, publishes official amendments, enables users to keep in touch and exchange experience, and gives users a say in the future of the scheme.
An annual subscription to the Association has until recently included receipt of the Bliss Classification Bulletin. This acts as a forum for discussion with members, who are actively encouraged to contribute to the Bulletin with features and/or comments about their own experiences of using the Classification. The Bulletin also provides updates and news on revisions. Publication of the Bliss Classification Bulletin, ISSN 0520-2795, is currently suspended. the last issue published being no. 53, 2011. We have had difficulties because we lost the editor; we hope to publish further issues at some time, but we cannot say when. We increasingly see this web site and our discussion list LIS-BCA as the main channel for communication to and between members.
A further opportunity for discussion is provided at the Annual General Meeting, usually held in London. Lectures are arranged with speakers actively involved in the revision of the scheme, or in classification generally.
Membership (currently £10 per year for individuals and £30 per year for institutions) is open to all organisations and individuals interested in or using the classification. Membership is for a calendar year, and subscriptions paid now will be valid for the year ending 31st December 2018.
If you would like further details about membership of the BCA, please contact the Hon. Treasurer and Membership Secretary, whose details are given on the contacts page.